Employment Verification
Results will include dates of employment , job title, salary, eligibility for rehire, and other general comments by employer as available. Verification is usually obtained from the Human Resources, Personnel or Payroll department. Several companies outsource their verifications to a 900# service.
Considerations: An employer is under no legal obligation to provide any comments and/or opinions regarding an applicant. Due to concerns of legal liability, company policy often prohibits them from providing, or verifying, any additional information beyond verification of dates of employment and job title.
Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days (depends on how quickly employer responds)
Education Verification
Results will include dates attended, degree claimed, date of degree, and major.
Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days (Average)
Credential Verification
Verification of the applicant’s license, certification or credentials, the date issued, expiration date and status with the issuing authority.
Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days (Average)
Basic Reference Check
Employment verification as described above, plus an additional 5 questions including: verification of SSN, employment status (FT/PT), applicant’s job and nature of duties, reason for leaving, and attendance record.
Considerations: An employer is under no legal obligation to provide any comments and/or opinions regarding an applicant. Due to concerns of legal liability, company policy often prohibits them from providing, or verifying, any additional information beyond verification of dates of employment and job title.
Recommended: To assess work history and capabilities.
Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days (depends on how quickly employer responds)
Supervisor Interview
Employment verification, as described above, plus an additional 10 questions including: applicant’s job and nature of duties, job performance including strengths and weakness, how applicant got along with associates, initiative on the job, how long knew applicant, handling tasks and completion, improvement on job performance, dependability, propensity for violence or dishonesty, and any additional comments, as provided.
Considerations: Approximately 25% of all supervisor references attempted are actually obtained. An employer is under no legal obligation to provide any comments and/or opinions regarding an applicant. Due to concerns of legal liability, company policy often prohibits them from providing, or verifying, any additional information beyond verification of dates of employment and job title.
Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days (depends on how quickly contact responds)
Personal Reference
Attempts a reference check from a single specified contact such as a friend or associate. 10 questions include: how long knew applicant, relationship, work history with applicant, if worked, job and nature of duties, strengths, punctuality, reliability, communication skills, technical skills, eligibility for hire.
Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days (depends on how quickly contact responds)
Professional Reference
Attempts a reference check from a single specified contact such as a co-worker or direct supervisor. 10 questions include: how long knew applicant, job and nature of duties, handling tasks and completion, strengths, improvement on job performance, initiative, dependability, how applicant got along with associates, propensity for violence or dishonesty, eligibility for hire or re-hire.
Considerations: An employer is under no legal obligation to provide any comments and/or opinions regarding an applicant. Due to concerns of legal liability, company policy often prohibits them from providing, or verifying, any additional information beyond verification of dates of employment and job title.
Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days (depends on how quickly contact responds)